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How data can prevent blackout

A power plant failure puts operators on alert. In the worst case, power fails for several regions. In our presentation, we'll show how we use data to help prevent a blackout that can affect millions of people and put critical infrastructure at risk. All because a power plant was not properly maintained.

RWE operates, among others, the gas-fired power plant in Pembroke; one of the most complex plants in the world, supplying electricity to over three million people. Thousands of sensors continuously collect metrics noting the health score of each component. AI is used to detect failures and damage at an early stage and to predict the power plant's maintenance requirements and health score.


  • No special prior knowledge required


We want to show how we use relevant data to perform maintenance on complex power plants around the world using AI.

  1. Structure of the data platform
  2. Lighthouse Definition
  3. Operationalization
  4. Rollout of a product to up to 20 different plants

In addition, we are interested in exchanging ideas with other Data Scientists and Data Engineers as well as MLOps Engineers.



Abhik Modi
Abhik Modi is a Data Scientist at RWE Generation SE. He utilizes cutting-edge technologies and concepts like NLP and AI to promote digitalization within the company. His current focus is on the development of a predictive maintenance tool that assists power plant engineers in optimizing their maintenance strategy and planning.

Benjamin Bolte
Benjamin Bolte ist Senior Data Science Consultant bei der adesso SE. Er berät Kunden Data Engineering, Data Analytics und KI gewinnbringend einzusetzen. Als promovierter Informatiker und Diplom-Mathematiker bringt er Software und Daten zusammen. Dabei leitet er die technische Umsetzung entlang des gesamten Entwicklungszyklus und konzipiert ganzheitliche Lösungen in interdisziplinären Teams.


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